Sudahkah anda Tahu?

Sudahkah anda Tahu?

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tugas - Summary

1.3 Summar
– The problem domain for software engineering is industrial-strength software. This software is meant to solve some problem of some set of users, and is expected to be of high quality.
– In this problem domain, cost, schedule, and quality are basic driving forces.
– Productivity is measured as amount of output per unit of input resource
– Software quality has many attributes which include functionality, reliabil- ity, usability, eciency, maintainability, and portability
– The problems in this domain often tend to be very large and where the needs of the customers change fast
Self-Assessment Exercises
1.What are the main dierences between a student software and industrial-strength software?
2. Where do you think this extra eort cost is spent?
3. What measurements will you take in a project to measure the productivity?
4. What are the dierent attributes of software quality?
 5. What are some of the project management tasks that you will do dierently for a large project as compared to a small project?
 6. Suppose changes are to be made to a software system that is in operation.
2. Software Prosses
Software engineering is defined as the systematic approach to the development, operation, maintenance, and retirement of software. eration, maintenance, and retirement of software [52]. We have seen that besides delivering software, high quality, low cost, and low cycle time are also goals which software engineering must achieve. As it is people who ultimately develop and deliver (and productivity is measured with respect to people’s eort as the basic input), the main job of processes is to help people achieve higher Q&P by specifying what tasks to do and how to do them.
As processes form the heart of software engineering, with tools and tech- nology providing support to eciently execute the processes, this book focuses primarily on processes. In this chapter we will discuss:
– Role of a process and a process model in a project.
– Various component processes in the software process and the key role of the development process and the project management process.
– Various models for the development process—waterfall, prototyping, itera- tive, RUP, timeboxing, and XP.
– The overall structure of the project management process and its key phases.

2.1 Process and Project
A software project is one instance of this problem, and the development process is what is used to achieve this purpose. The role of process increases due to these additional goals, and though many processes can achieve the basic.
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Figure 2.1 Basic problem
A process model specifies a general process, which is “optimum” for a class of projects. That is, in the situations for which the model is applicable, using the process model as the project’s process will lead to the goal of developing software with high Q&P.
2.2 Component Software Processes
As defined above, a process is the sequence of steps executed to achieve a goal. Since many dierent goals may have to be satisfied while developing soft- ware, multiple processes are needed.
The processes that deal with the technical and management issues of soft- ware development are collectively called the software process. During the project many products are produced which are typically com- posed of many items (for example, the final source code may be composed of many source files). The objective of this component process is to primarily deal with managing change, so that the integrity of the products is not violated despite changes.
These three constituent processes focus on the projects and the products and can be considered as comprising the product engineering processes, as their main objective is to produce the desired product. The basic objective of the process management process is to improve the software process. By improvement, we mean that the capability of the process to produce quality goods at low cost is improved. The relationship between these major component processes is shown in Fig- ure 2.2. These component processes are distinct not only in the type of activities performed in them, but typically also in the people who perform the activities specified by the process.
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Figure 2.2 Software Prosses
For the rest of the book, we will use the term software process to mean product engineering processes, unless specified otherwise.
2.3 Software Development Process Models
A project’s development process defines the tasks the project should per- form, and the order in which they should be done. A process limits the degrees of freedom for a project by specifying what types of activities must be under- taken and in what order, such that the “shortest” (or the most ecient) path is obtained from the user needs to the software satisfying these needs.
As discussed earlier, a process model specifies a general process, usually as a set of stages in which a project should be divided, the order in which the stages should be executed, and any other constraints and conditions on the execution of stages.
2.3.1 Waterfall Model
The basic idea behind the phases is separation of concerns—each phase deals with a distinct and separate set of concerns. By doing this, the large and complex task of building the software is broken into smaller tasks (which, by themselves, are still quite complex) of specifying requirements, doing design, etc. Separating the concerns and focusing on a select few in a phase gives a better handle to the engineers and managers in dealing with the complexity of the problem.
Linear ordering of activities has some important consequences. First, to clearly identify the end of a phase and the beginning of the next, some cer- tification mechanism has to be employed at the end of each phase.
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Figure 2.3 The waterfall Model
. Though the set of documents that should be produced in a project is dependent on how the process is implemented, the following documents generally form a reasonable set that should be produced in each project:
– Requirements document
– Project plan
– Design documents (architecture, system, detailed)
– Test plan and test reports
– Final code
– Software manuals (e.g., user, installation, etc.)
2.3.2 Prototyping
Prototyping is an attractive idea for complicated and large systems for which there is no manual process or existing system to help determine the requirements. In such situations, letting the client “play” with the prototype provides invaluable and intangible inputs that help determine the requirements for the system. It is also an eective method of demonstrating the feasibility of a certain approach.
A development process using throwaway prototyping typically proceeds as follows.The development of the prototype typically starts when the prelim- inary version of the requirements specification document has been developed. At this stage, there is a reasonable understanding of the system and its needs and which needs are unclear or likely to change.
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Figure 2.4  The Prototyping Model
For prototyping for the purposes of requirement analysis to be feasible, its cost must be kept low. Consequently, only those features are included in the prototype that will have a valuable return from the user experience. Excep- tion handling, recovery, and conformance to some standards and formats are typically not included in prototypes. In prototyping, as the prototype is to be discarded, there is no point in implementing those parts of the requirements that are already well understood. Hence, the focus of the development is to include those features that are not properly understood.
2.3.3 Iterative Development
The iterative enhancement model [4] is an example of this approach. In the first step of this model, a simple initial implementation is done for a subset of the overall problem. This subset is one that contains some of the key aspects of the problem that are easy to understand and implement and which form a useful and usable system.
Each step consists of removing the next task from the list, designing the implementation for the selected task, coding and testing the implementation, performing an analysis of the partial system obtained after this step, and updat- ing the list as a result of the analysis.
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Figure 2.5 The Interative enchanment model.
The project control list guides the iteration steps and keeps track of all tasks that must be done.
Though there are clear benefits of iterative development, particularly in allowing changing requirements, not having the all-or-nothing risk, etc., there are some costs associated with iterative development also.
Another common approach for iterative development is to do the require- ments and the architecture design in a standard waterfall or prototyping ap- proach, but deliver the software iteratively.
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Figure 2.6  Interative Delivery approach.
The iterative approach is becoming extremely popular, despite some di- culties in using it in this context. There are a few key reasons for its increasing popularity. First and foremost, in today’s world clients do not want to invest too much without seeing returns. In the current business scenario, it is preferable to see returns continuously of the investment made.
2.3.4 Rational Unified Process
RUP proposes that development of software be divided into cycles, each cycle delivering a fully working system. Generally, each cycle is executed as a separate project whose goal is to deliver some additional capability to an exist- ing system (built by the previous cycle).
– Inception phase
– Elaboration phase
– Construction phase
– Transition phase
Each phase has a distinct purpose, and completion of each phase is a well- defined milestone in the project with some clearly defined outputs. The purpose of the inception phase is to establish the goals and scope of the project, and completion of this phase is the lifecycle objectives milestone.
In the elaboration phase, the architecture of the system is designed, based on the detailed requirements analysis. The completion of this phase is the life- cycle architecture milestone. At the end of this phase, it is expected that most of the requirements have been identified and specified, and the architecture of the system has been designed (and specified) in a manner that it addresses the technical risks identified in the earlier phase.
The purpose of the transition phase is to move the software from the devel- opment environment to the client’s environment, where it is to be hosted. This is a complex task which can require additional testing, conversion of old data for this software to work, training of personnel, etc.
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Figure 2.7 The RUP Model.
RUP has carefully chosen the phase names so as not to confuse them with the engineering tasks that are to be done in the project, as in RUP the en- gineering tasks and phases are separate.
One key dierence of RUP from other models is that it has separated the phases from the tasks and allows multiple of these subprocesses to function within a phase. In waterfall (or waterfall-based iterative model), a phase within a process was linked to a particular task performed by some process like re- quirements, design, etc. In RUP these tasks are separated from the stages, and it allows, for example, during construction, execution of the requirements process.
Though a subprocess may be active in many phases, as can be expected, the volume of work or the eort being spent on the subprocess will vary with phases. For example, it is expected that a lot more eort will be spent in the requirement subprocess during elaboration, and less will be spent in construc- tion, and still less, if any, will be spent in transition.
Table 2.1  Activity Level of subprocesses in different phase of RUP
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2.3.5 Timeboxing Model
In the timeboxing model, the basic unit of development is a time box, which is of fixed duration. Since the duration is fixed, a key factor in selecting the requirements or features to be built in a time box is what can be fit into the time box. This is in contrast to regular iterative approaches where the functionality is selected and then the time to deliver is determined. Timeboxing changes the perspective of development and makes the schedule a nonnegotiable and a high-priority commitment.
Having time-boxed iterations with stages of equal duration and having ded- icated teams renders itself to pipelining of dierent iterations. (Pipelining is a concept from hardware in which dierent instructions are executed in paral- lel, with the execution of a new instruction starting once the first stage of the previous instruction is finished.)
With a time box of three stages, the project proceeds as follows. When the requirements team has finished requirements for timebox-1, the requirements are given to the build team for building the software. The requirements team then goes on and starts preparing the requirements for timebox-2.
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Figure 2.8 Executing the timeboxing process model.
Contrast this with a linear execution of iterations, in which the first delivery will be made after 9 weeks, the second after 18 weeks, the third after 27 weeks, and so on.
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Figure 2.9  Task of different teams.
Hence, the timeboxing provides an approach for utilizing additional man- power to reduce the delivery time. It is well known that with standard methods of executing projects, we cannot compress the cycle time of a project substan- tially by adding more manpower.
Timeboxing is well suited for projects that require a large number of fea- tures to be developed in a short time around a stable architecture using stable technologies. These features should be such that there is some flexibility in grouping them for building a meaningful system in an iteration that provides value to the users.
Agile development approaches evolved in the 1990s as a reaction to documen- tation and bureaucracy-based processes, particularly the waterfall approach. Agile approaches are based on some common principles, some of which are []:
– Working software is the key measure of progress in a project.
– For progress in a project, therefore, software should be developed and deliv- ered rapidly in small increments.
– Even late changes in the requirements should be entertained (small-increment model of development helps in accommodating them).
– Face-to-face communication is preferred over documentation.
– Continuous feedback and involvement of customer is necessary for developing good-quality software.
– Simple design which evolves and improves with time is a better approach than doing an elaborate design up front for handling all possible scenarios.
– The delivery dates are decided by empowered teams of talented individuals (and are not dictated).
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Figure 2.10 Overal process in XP.
The development approach used in an iteration has some unique practices. First, it envisages that development is done by pairs of programmers (called pair programming and which we will discuss further in Chapter 7), instead of individual programmers. Second, it suggests that for building a code unit, automated unit tests be written first before the actual code is written, and then the code should be written to pass the tests
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Figure 2.11 An Interation in XP.
XP, and other agile methods, are suitable for situations where the volume and pace of requirements change is high, and where requirement risks are con- siderable. Because of its reliance on strong communication between all the team members, it is eective when teams are collocated and of modest size, of up to about 20 members.
2.3.7 Using Process Models in a Project
Suppose a small team of developers has been entrusted with the task of building a small auction site for a local university. The university administration is willing to spend some time at the start to help develop the requirements, but it is expected that their availability will be limited later.
With these constraints, it is clear that a waterfall model is not suitable for this project, as the “all or nothing” risk that it entails is unacceptable due to the inflexible deadline. The iterative enhancement model where each iteration does a complete waterfall is also not right as it requires requirements analysis for each iteration, and the users and clients are not available later.
Consider another example where the customers are in a highly competitive environment where requirements depend on what the competition is doing, and delivering functionality regularly is highly desirable.
For this project, clearly waterfall is not suitable as requirements are not even known at the start. Iterative enhancement also may not work as it may not be able to deliver rapidly.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tugas - Internet of Things

     The Internet of Things (IOT) adalah interkoneksi perangkat komputasi embedded diidentifikasi secara unik dalam infrastruktur internet yang ada. Biasanya, IOT diharapkan untuk menawarkan konektivitas canggih perangkat, sistem, dan jasa yang melampaui mesin-ke-mesin komunikasi (M2M) dan mencakup berbagai protokol, domain, dan applications.The interkoneksi perangkat ini tertanam (termasuk benda cerdas ), diharapkan untuk mengantarkan otomatisasi dalam hampir semua bidang, sementara juga memungkinkan aplikasi canggih seperti Smart Grid.
     Di IOT, dapat merujuk ke berbagai macam perangkat seperti pemantauan jantung implan, transponder biochip pada hewan ternak, mobil dengan built-in sensor, atau perangkat operasi lapangan yang membantu petugas pemadam kebakaran dalam pencarian dan penyelamatan. Contoh pasar saat ini meliputi sistem termostat cerdas dan mesin cuci / pengering yang memanfaatkan wifi untuk pemantauan jarak jauh.

      Menurut Gartner, akan ada hampir 26 miliar perangkat di Internet of Things pada tahun 2020 ABI Research memperkirakan bahwa lebih dari 30 miliar perangkat akan terhubung secara nirkabel ke Internet of Things (Internet Segalanya) tahun 2020 Per survei terbaru dan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Pew Research Internet Project, sebagian besar para ahli teknologi dan terlibat pengguna internet yang menanggapi-83 persen-setuju dengan gagasan bahwa Internet / Cloud of Things, tertanam dan komputasi dpt dipakai (dan sistem dinamis yang sesuai) akan memiliki efek luas dan menguntungkan dengan tahun 2025 ini adalah, dengan demikian, jelas bahwa IOT akan terdiri dari jumlah yang sangat besar perangkat yang terhubung ke Internet.

     Integrasi dengan internet menunjukkan bahwa perangkat akan menggunakan alamat IP sebagai identifikasi unik. Namun, karena ruang alamat IPv4 terbatas (yang memungkinkan untuk 4,3 miliar alamat unik), benda-benda di IOT harus menggunakan IPv6 untuk mengakomodasi ruang alamat yang sangat besar dibutuhkan. Obyek di IOT tidak hanya akan perangkat dengan kemampuan sensorik, tetapi juga menyediakan kemampuan aktuasi (misalnya, lampu atau kunci dikendalikan melalui Internet). Untuk sebagian besar, masa depan Internet of Things tidak akan mungkin tanpa dukungan IPv6; dan akibatnya adopsi global IPv6 di tahun-tahun mendatang akan menjadi penting bagi keberhasilan pengembangan IOT di masa depan.

Sifat komputasi tertanam dari banyak perangkat IOT berarti bahwa platform komputasi penerbangan murah kemungkinan akan digunakan. Bahkan, untuk meminimalkan dampak dari perangkat tersebut pada lingkungan dan konsumsi energi, radio daya rendah kemungkinan akan digunakan untuk koneksi ke Internet. Radio berdaya rendah tersebut tidak menggunakan WiFi, atau mapan teknologi Jaringan Selular, dan tetap menjadi daerah penelitian aktif mengembangkan. Namun, IOT tidak akan terdiri hanya dari perangkat embedded, karena perangkat komputasi yang lebih tinggi akan diperlukan untuk melakukan tugas-tugas tugas yang lebih berat (routing, switching, pengolahan data dan sebagainya.). Perusahaan seperti FreeWave Teknologi telah dikembangkan dan diproduksi daya nirkabel rendah radio data (baik tertanam dan mandiri) selama lebih dari 20 tahun untuk memungkinkan mesin-ke-mesin aplikasi untuk internet industri.
Selain kebanyakan area aplikasi baru untuk Internet terhubung otomatisasi untuk memperluas ke, IOT juga diharapkan untuk menghasilkan sejumlah besar data dari berbagai lokasi yang dikumpulkan dan sangat tinggi kecepatan, sehingga meningkatkan kebutuhan untuk indeks yang lebih baik, menyimpan dan mengolah data tersebut . 

Beragam aplikasi panggilan untuk skenario penyebaran yang berbeda dan persyaratan, yang biasanya ditangani dalam implementasi proprietary. Namun, sejak IOT terhubung ke Internet, sebagian besar perangkat yang terdiri dari layanan IOT akan perlu untuk beroperasi menggunakan teknologi standar. Badan standardisasi menonjol, seperti IETF, IPSO Alliance dan ETSI, bekerja pada pengembangan protokol, sistem, arsitektur dan kerangka kerja untuk mengaktifkan IOT

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

TIPS Agar Bahan Makanan Tetap Segar

SERINGKALI kita mendapati bahan makanan yang dibeli saat belanja bulanan sudah tidak segar karena terlalu lama berada di kulkas dan tidak sempat diolah.
Ternyata ada beberapa hal mudah yang dapat dilakukan agar bahan makanan yang telah dibeli bisa bertahan lama dan tetap segar.
1.Ada baiknya kulkas rajin dibersihkan. Dengan begitu bahan makanan yang ada di dalam kulkas akan terjaga kebersihannya dan tidak tercemar bila ada bahan makanan yang sudah membusuk karena terlalu lama berada di kulkas. Bila menemukan bahan makanan yang sudah busuk, bahan makanan tersebut harus segera dibuang agar tidak mengontaminasi bahan makanan lainnya yang masih segar. Pastikan agar tidak ada air atau cairan yang menggenang karena dapat membuat bahan makanan seperti sayur dan buah lebih cepat membusuk
2. Untuk menjauhkan beras dan gandum dari kutu masukkan daun salam dalam kantung berisi beras atau gandum atau tempat penyimpanan lainnya. Daun salam mampu menjaga serangga tetap menjauh dari bahan makanan anda. Ganti daun setiap 3 bulan sekali.
3. Untuk menyerap bau busuk dari bahan makanan atau makanan yang sudah diolah dan dimasukkan ke kulkas, tempatkan belahan kentang di beberapa tempat dalam kulkas. Belahlah kentang menjadi dua bagian atau lebih dan kemudian masukkan secara acak di dalam kulkas. Belahan kentang dapat menyerap bau busuk. Belahan kentang tersebut cukup diganti setiap tiga hari sekali dengan yang masih segar
4. Untuk penyimpanan telur dalam kulkas, simpan dengan ujung yang kecil berada di bawah. Menyimpan dengan cara tersebut akan memastikan bahwa kantung udara yang berada di atas tidak tertekan oleh berat telur sehingga tidak pecah dan pecahnya kantung udara akan mempercepat proses pembusukan telur
5.Simpanlah tomat dan mentimun di tempat yang berbeda karena tomat mengeluarkan gas yang dapat membuat timun menjadi lebih cepat busuk. Ada baiknya tempat penyimpanan tersebut diberikan koran atau kertas sebagai alas agar tomat dan timun selalu kering sehingga lebih awet dan segar
6. Jangan simpan apel bersama dengan buah-buahan matang yang lain karena apel mengeluarkan gas tertentu yang dapat menyebabkan buah-buahan dan sayuran cepat membusuk. Sebaliknya, simpan buah apel dengan buah yang terlalu matang berdekatan agar buah yang belum terlalu matang atau mengkal bisa cepat matang.
7. Masukkan irisan kecil apel atau kentang mentah di dalam wadah tempat menyimpan roti. Tujuannya, agar roti tetap segar lebih lama dari biasanya

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Tahukah Anda?

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25 September 2011

... bahwa tiram dapat berubah kelamin setiap 7 hari namun apabila hal tersebut dilakukan maka beresiko mengganggu psikologinya?

12 September 2011
.... bahwa gigi merupakan satu-satunya bagian tubuh yang tidak dapat memperbaiki dirinya sendiri apabila rusak? 

5 September 2011
.... bahwa bola mata burung merak lebih besar daripada ukuran otaknya?

10 Juni 2011
.... bahwa jumlah orang yang berbicara Bahasa Inggris di China lebih banyak daripada jumlah orang yang berbicara Bahasa Inggris di Amerika Serikat?

 7 Juni 2011

.... bahwa Gajah Afrika hanya mampu mengangkat beban seberat 25% berat tubuhnya, sedangkan kumbang badak mampu mengangkat beban seberat 850 kali berat tubuhnya. Jadi Kumbang badak lebih kuat daripada Gajah Afrika?

 4 Juni 2011

.... bahwa beruang Kutub hanya ada di Kutub Utara sedangkan Penguin hanya ada di Kutub Selatan?

1 Juni 2011

.... bahwa Bunga Mawar yang bewarna MERAH, baru ada semenjak abad ke-20 karena mutasi genetika?

 28 Mei 2011

.... bahwa Larry Page dan Sergey Brin(Pendiri Google Inc) memulai usahanya di sebuah Garasi Mobil?

9 Maret 2011

.... bahwa di uang seribuan yang bergambar Kapitan Pattimura pada salah satu kancingnya terdapat smiley tersenyum?

Tugas Desain Web"Cara Membuat Tabel dan menyisipkan Gambar"

Rumus Html di dalam Notepad:

  <tittle> Desain Web </tittle>
<body> <BODY BGCOLOR=#AA0000>
<img src="Smile.jpg">
<table border=1>
  <td align=center colspan=2>Row 1 col 1-2</td>
  <td vlign=top rowspan=2>Row 1 col 3</td>
  <td vlign=top rowspan=2>Row 2 col 1</td>
  <td>Row 2 col 2</td>

  <td align=center colspan=2>Row 3 col 2-3</td>

Cool Purple Outer Glow Pointer